
Part I - Bachelors of Art in Architecture

University of Lincoln 2009-2012

The first year was an intense introduction to the course and consisted of multiple small projects requiring good time management and the ability to learn on my feet. The short projects taught me how to draw to scale, sketch, think about spaces, how they make you feel, and how to develop a brief and a narrative. Early on I learnt about the relationship between solid and void as I was often trying to maximise a building’s footprint on a site rather than creating permeability of the built environment. These projects laid the foundations of my architectural studies and further developed my CAD skills.


Group work and coordination became particularly important in my 2nd year as we had a module dedicated to master planning which was ultimately to be presented as a group. Working with different personalities and learning how to motivate people was incredibly important.


Disputes occasionally occurred within the team, so it was important to mediate between them to help resolve the issue and ensure a successful project.



For my dissertation in 3rd year, I studied ‘The social injustice of climate change’. The aim of

the piece was to carry out a comparative analysis on how architecture could be used to negate the effects of climate change, especially on Less Economically Developed Countries who are the most likely to be affected by an increase in carbon emissions for which they are not responsible for producing. Sustainability is an area of architecture I was and still am extremely passionate about. After this report I was even more aware of the issues of climate change and now try to champion green ideals wherever possible.

Part II - Master of Architecture

University of Lincoln 2015-2017

My 5th year project was on a national cycle HUB

that aimed to promote cycling throughout the UK

. The project looked at the country in addition to focusing in on specific aspects such as

benches and shelters. A lot of research went

into the effect architecture has on the

hegemony of streets and how power could be


I carried these themes into my dissertation and

even travelled to the Netherlands and Belgium

to explore how different power structures can

be created through architecture.

Between my 5th and 6th year I went back to

work for DSH Architects for the summer. It was

enlightening to see the progression I had made

at university being applied first hand.

In my final year my studio group’s brief was set

in Zurich, so we travelled there to carry out site

analysis. My project centred around creating a

new co-working environment which

demonstrated architectural flexibility. I

designed the building to adapt to differing

environmental and social inputs. To represent

the concept, I experimented through creating

physical models.

The Professional Context module was a

different module then the rest of my

architectural studies thus far, since it was

relevant to the industry and furthered my

knowledge on law, contracts, the role of the

architect and the professional bodies. I applied

my knowledge to a given scenario where I was

required to produce a bid proposal which

outlined my practice structure, fee and the

planning application.

Part III -  Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice & Management in Architecture

University of Lincoln 2017-2021

A Postgraduate Diploma incorporates the architectural professional practice employed in the management of the design process and construction of projects. During this course I was required to be in full-time employment, under the direction of a UK Registered Architect, who acts as my Employment Mentor.

The programme enabled me to develop my knowledge, understanding, ability, and skills of the professional practice and management of architecture. During this course I developed a comprehensive understanding of my obligations and responsibilities as a professional to clients, the profession, and society at large.

This qualification is developed in accordance with the Professional Criteria requirements of the Architects Registration Board and the Royal Institute of British Architects for the Part 3 Professional Practice and Management examination in Architecture. Upon successful completion of this programme I was able to apply to the Architects Registration Board (ARB) for inclusion on the Register of Architects and henceforth use the title Registered Architect; in addition I applied to the RIBA for Chartered Membership and be able to use the title Chartered Architect.



Elected - January 2022



Registered - January 2022